The Biggest Password Leak in History

A hacker has exposed nearly 10 billion passwords in what is being called the largest password leak of all time. On July 4th, 2024, a

What is CrowdStrike? Inside the Global IT Outage

On July 19th, 2024, a CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity company, pushed a software update that caused major issues for Windows users around the world who use Crowdstrike cybersecurity products. The update triggered the “blue screen of death” on many computers, causing

SOC as a Service

When you think about the challenges of maintaining robust cybersecurity, it’s easy to see why many organizations are turning to SOC as a Service. This subscription-based solution offers the expertise of a dedicated team to monitor, detect, and respond to …

NYDFS 500 Compliance: Key Points for IT Support Providers

As an IT support provider, understanding the essentials of NYDFS 500 compliance is crucial for safeguarding your clients who hold New York Department of Financial Services licenses. You’ll need to focus on risk assessments, data encryption, and robust incident response …

Business Impact Analysis: Its Importance in IT Support

When you consider the role of Business Impact Analysis (BIA) in IT support, you’re looking at a fundamental tool that identifies potential disruptions and their effects on your business operations. BIA helps you pinpoint critical IT infrastructure components and evaluate …

Information Security Risk Assessment: How to Conduct Effectively

When you initiate an information security risk assessment, it’s critical to start with clear objectives and a well-defined scope. Identifying your assets, understanding potential threats, and evaluating vulnerabilities are foundational steps.

But how do you evaluate the impact of risks …

Penetration Testing: A Quick Guide for Small Businesses

Penetration testing, or ethical hacking, is your business’s best defense against cyber threats. It involves simulating cyberattacks to uncover weaknesses in your systems before malicious hackers do. This isn’t just about finding flaws; it’s about fortifying your defenses and ensuring …

Security Awareness: Why It’s Crucial for Your Business

You might think your business is safe from cyber threats, but without proper security awareness, you’re leaving yourself vulnerable to attacks like malware, phishing, and ransomware.

These threats can lead to costly data breaches and damage your company’s reputation. So, …

Security Training: Top Tips for Workplace Effectiveness

To enhance workplace effectiveness through security training, start by evaluating your team’s current knowledge levels. Conducting surveys can help you identify gaps and customize training programs that cater to everyone’s needs, whether they’re novices or experts.

Incorporating real-world scenarios and …

Cyber Awareness: Simple Steps to Protect Your Business

Everyone understands how essential cyber awareness is in protecting your business from ever-evolving threats. Implementing straightforward measures like training employees to recognize phishing and malware, enforcing robust password policies, and ensuring regular software updates can make a significant difference.

Prioritizing …

Cybersecurity Training: Best Practices for IT Support Teams

When you’re tasked with safeguarding your organization’s digital assets, implementing best practices for cybersecurity training in your IT support team is vital. You need to regularly update software, enforce strong password policies, and conduct phishing simulations to identify vulnerabilities. Monitoring …

Social Engineering Attacks: Recognizing and Preventing Them

You might think you’re too savvy to fall for a scam, but social engineering attacks are designed to exploit human psychology, making anyone a potential target. Recognizing and preventing these attacks starts with understanding their different forms, such as phishing, …

ISO Standards: What They Mean for Your IT Security

When you think about IT security, ISO standards might not be the first thing that comes to mind, but they should be. These international benchmarks, like ISO 27001 and ISO 27002, provide you with a structured approach to managing and …

2FA: Its Role in Enhancing Business Security

When you think about boosting your business’s security, two-factor authentication (2FA) should be at the top of your list. 2FA goes beyond the traditional password by requiring a second form of verification, like a smartphone app or biometric data. This …

Hiring an IT Help Desk: Benefits for Your Company

Hiring an IT help desk gives you access to a range of benefits that can transform your company’s efficiency and security. This is largely because they don’t just solve problems; they proactively prevent them, ensuring that your technology infrastructure runs

Service Desk Solutions for Efficient IT Management

When you think about efficient IT management, service desk solutions are indispensable. They centralize support processes, streamline ticket resolution, and enhance team communication. Imagine reducing manual tasks through automation, gaining quick insights with real-time analytics, and integrating essential tools seamlessly.…

Password Policies: Best Practices for Strong Security

When you’re considering how to protect your organization from cyber threats, robust password policies are a cornerstone of your security strategy. Think about more than just complexity and length; enforcing unique passwords and regular expiration intervals can make a significant …

Network Support: Ensuring Reliability for Your Business

In today’s fast-paced business environment, ensuring the reliability of your network infrastructure is paramount. Any downtime or security breach can lead to significant financial losses and reputational damage. That’s where effective network support comes into play.

You can safeguard your …

Device Encryption: Protecting Sensitive Information

Encryption stands out as a crucial measure for safeguarding sensitive information on your devices. When you convert your data into a coded format, the encryption guarantees that only those with the correct key can access it, keeping hackers at bay.…

Ethernet: Understanding Its Importance

Ethernet underpins the stable, high-speed connections that our modern networks rely on, evolving from modest 10 Mbps speeds to a staggering 400 Gbps. This technology is about speed and, more importantly, ensuring secure, efficient, and uninterrupted data transfer.

Unlike wireless …

Video Conferencing: Enhancing Communication

You’ve likely noticed how video conferencing has transformed the way you communicate, breaking down geographical barriers and enabling real-time interaction. Aside from seeing each other, we can now leverage non-verbal cues and get immediate feedback to foster better understanding even …

Internet Service Provider: Choosing the Right One

Choosing the right Internet Service Provider (ISP) isn’t just about picking the cheapest option available—it’s about finding one that fits your specific needs. Think about how many devices will connect, the type of activities you engage in online, and the …

Fiber Internet: Advantages for Businesses

When you consider upgrading your company’s internet infrastructure, Fiber Internet stands out due to its remarkable benefits. It’s not just about faster speeds; the symmetrical upload and download rates can greatly enhance your team’s productivity.

Additionally, the reliability and low …

IT Consulting: Benefits for Your Business

When you consider IT consulting for your business, you’re opening the door to numerous advantages that can transform how you operate. From enhancing operational efficiency with tailored solutions to achieving cost savings through optimized resource allocation, IT consultants bring specialized …

Equipment Storage: Best Practices for Efficiency

When you tackle equipment storage, the first step is to evaluate your storage needs based on the size, weight, and frequency of use of each item. It’s crucial to take into account any special handling or climate control requirements to …

Equipment Procurement: Streamlining the Process

When you’re tasked with streamlining the equipment procurement process, it’s crucial to start by thoroughly evaluating your operational needs and current inventory. This helps you avoid redundancies and make sure that any new acquisitions align with future projects. Choosing the …

Office Buildout: Essential Steps for Your Business

Starting on an office buildout for your business involves a series of vital steps that can greatly impact your company’s success. From clearly defining your objectives and setting a realistic budget to choosing the right location and assembling a competent …

Onsite Support: Benefits for Your Business

Onsite support is a service that offers immediate issue resolution, tailored assistance, and reduced downtime. Imagine the benefits of having a dedicated expert who understands your unique operational needs and can provide hands-on training to boost productivity.

That said, onsite …

Internal Network: Building a Robust System for Your Company

When you’re assigned to build a robust internal network for your company, the first step is evaluating your specific needs. This involves understanding the scope of your operations, the volume of data traffic, and potential growth. Once you’ve got a …

Data Cabling: Importance in Modern Offices

You might not immediately think about the importance of data cabling in your office, but it’s the backbone for everything from seamless communication to efficient data transfer.

Investing in quality cabling can greatly enhance productivity and reduce downtime. Additionally, it …

Data Cabling Contractors: What to Look For

Choosing the right cabling contractor can be tiring without the necessary information or proper research. So, when you’re on the hunt for data cabling contractors, it’s important to sift through several key factors to make a wise choice, from industry …

IT Equipment Repair: Effective Strategies for Your Business

Regular assessments and troubleshooting common issues are just the beginning if you want to keep your IT equipment in top shape for smooth business operations. Preventive maintenance can save you from unexpected downtimes, but have you considered how hardware repair …

Acoustic Treatment: Enhancing Office Acoustics for Better Productivity

You might not realize it, but the acoustics in your office can greatly impact productivity and employee well-being. Imagine trying to focus on an important task while being constantly interrupted by background chatter or ringing phones. Frustrating, right?

Acoustic treatment, …

vCISO Services

Technological advancement and the increase in the adoption of remote work have led to a rise in cyber-attacks and cyber breaches. Organizations of all sizes are now under pressure to implement sophisticated strategies to bolster their information security preparedness. 


Professional Cable Management Solutions for a Clutter-Free Workspace

If you’re reading this, you’ve most likely experienced or witnessed the frustration of a cluttered desk, where tangled cables obscure your space and hinder your productivity. Thankfully, professional cable management solutions can transform this chaos into a streamlined, efficient workspace. 

IT Infrastructure Management Services

The business world has become so tech-inclined that IT infrastructure has become the backbone of small organizations and large enterprises. With businesses running around the clock to cater to local and international customers, the need to properly monitor and maintain

How to: Opt Out of Slack’s AI Training Program

Slack started to introduce “AI” capabilities into Slack on February 14, 2024 and they suggested they will use messages, files, and data from Slack Workspaces to train its AI features. We are concerned about the security and privacy implications for

Preparing for the AI Revolution: Steps to Ensure Your Organization Is AI-Ready

Businesses—corporations and medium and large-scale—in several industries are working hard to implement Artificial Intelligence in many areas of their operations. The many advantages, including solving complex problems, boosting productivity, and streamlining operations, are just too good to pass along. 


Enhancing Security and User Experience with Next-Gen Digital Trust Solutions

In today’s fast-paced digital age and economy, there’s an absolute need for robust security solutions that don’t compromise user experience. 

So far, technologies like blockchain and multi-factor authentication have been immensely helpful in securing data while ensuring seamless access. And

HIPAA Compliance: Protecting Patient Data and Avoiding Penalties

Of all the regulatory and compliance standards across various sectors, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is one of the most well-known among non-technical persons. 

Since people are more aware of it, they often demand that

The Role of a Dedicated IT Expert in Navigating IT Challenges

Digital transformation has become a necessity for business growth. As the workplace becomes more diverse and the business landscape evolves at an alarming pace, most businesses are finding new ways to leverage IT strategies for a competitive advantage. 

Leveraging these

How to Select the Right Managed Security Operations Center (SOC)

When you choose a Managed Security Operations Center (SOC), you’re handing over your cybersecurity reins to experts who offer round-the-clock protection. This outsourced team keeps an eye on your cloud environments, devices, and networks, ensuring threats are detected and responded

IT Risk Management

IT risk management is key to accessing a safer digital environment for organizations. It’s about identifying, evaluating, and addressing potential risks that threaten your operations and cybersecurity posture. When organizations engage in this process, they prioritize proactive measures over reactive

7 Steps to Successful SIEM Implementation

Hackers have become sophisticated over the years, learning new and improved ways of exploiting organizations’ vulnerabilities. This sophistication translated to an alarming 2,365 cyberattacks and over 343 million victims in 2023. So, when you dive into Security Information and Event

IT Services for Startups

In the fast-paced world of startups, technology plays a pivotal role in enabling growth, driving innovation, and ensuring operational efficiency. However, managing IT in-house can be a daunting task, especially when resources are limited and the focus is on core

Remote IT Support

Scaling IT infrastructure and ensuring cybersecurity are major concerns for startups and growing tech firms. Network Right has worked with hundreds of startups, providing remote support wherever it’s needed.

Based in San Francisco, we serve many remote teams. We enjoy

IT Support Palo Alto

Startups and growing tech companies often find it challenging to scale IT infrastructure and maintain robust cybersecurity. Network Right has been instrumental in assisting hundreds of startups in the Palo Alto area.

Headquartered in San Francisco, we serve the entire

IT Support Berkeley

Managing IT infrastructure growth and maintaining cybersecurity is a tall order for startups and growing tech firms. Network Right has helped hundreds of startups, including those in Berkeley, navigate these challenges.

With our base in San Francisco, we serve the

IT Support Oakland

The pressure of scaling IT infrastructure and safeguarding cybersecurity can be a lot for startups and growing tech companies. Network Right has supported hundreds of startups, including those in Oakland, to meet these challenges.

Based in San Francisco, we serve

IT Support San Jose

IT demands like scaling infrastructure and maintaining cybersecurity can be intense for startups and growing tech companies. Network Right has a proven track record, having worked with hundreds of startups in the San Jose area.

Though based in San Francisco,

IT Support San Francisco

Scaling IT infrastructure and ensuring solid cybersecurity can be daunting for startups and growing tech companies. That’s where Network Right steps in, having assisted hundreds of startups in San Francisco.

From our San Francisco base, we proudly serve the entire

IT Support Bay Area

Whether it’s scaling IT infrastructure or strengthening cybersecurity, startups and growing technology companies often face significant IT challenges. Network Right has partnered with hundreds of startups across the Bay Area, providing expert support.

Our headquarters is in San Francisco, but

Remote Managed IT Services

Network Right is the trusted IT partner for remote teams, supporting the most innovative companies worldwide. Our advanced approach tackles complex technological challenges with efficiency and innovation. The heart of our strategy is our team of devoted experts, ensuring remote

Managed IT Services Palo Alto

Network Right is Palo Alto’s go-to IT partner, supporting the most innovative companies in the area. Our innovative approach addresses complex tech challenges with efficiency and expertise. The backbone of our strategy is our team of passionate professionals, ensuring our

Managed IT Services Berkeley

Network Right is Berkeley’s trusted IT partner, serving the needs of the city’s most innovative companies. Our advanced approach tackles complex technological issues with expertise. At the heart of our success is our team of dedicated professionals, ensuring our clients

Managed IT Services Oakland

Network Right is the premier IT partner for Oakland’s most forward-looking companies. Our advanced approach solves complex tech problems with precision. Our core strength lies in our team of committed experts, ensuring our clients and their teams enjoy the best

Managed IT Services San Jose

Network Right is San Jose’s trusted IT partner for leading technology companies. Our innovative approach addresses complex tech issues with expertise. The core of our success is our team of dedicated professionals who ensure our clients and their people have

Managed IT Services San Francisco

Network Right is San Francisco’s go-to IT partner for the city’s most innovative companies. Our cutting-edge approach meets the complex tech challenges head-on. At the center of our strategy is a team of devoted, enthusiastic individuals ensuring our clients have

Managed IT Services Bay Area

Network Right is the trusted IT partner for the Bay Area’s most forward-thinking companies. Our state-of-the-art approach tackles the complex technological hurdles of modern business. The heart of our strategy is our team of dedicated, passionate professionals who ensure our

Zoom 5.0 Update What Your Admin/Users Need To Do

The popular conferencing app Zoom has pushed an important update that as of May 30th, 2020 will be a mandatory one. Amidst the backlash they’ve got in response to security concerns Zoom’s 5.0 update will introduce full GCM Encryption for

Using IT to Stay Social while Social Distancing

With many of us working from home and only going out for essentials, it’s hard to keep a social life afloat. Because we have to practice social distancing – and in some places shelter in place – many of us …

How to Sanitize Your Workspace

With the recent outbreak of COVID-19, sanitation has become even more important. We often clean our kitchens, bathrooms, dining spaces, and floors, but we rarely clean our technology. Because of this, there are phone screens that can have up to 

10 Tips for working remote/work from home

We at Network Right understand that the world of technology is ever-evolving. One benefit of that is the tools that allow us & our clients to work remotely and outside of the office. Whether it’s from home, at your local …

What is Cloud Management & Why you may need it

Cloud management, as the name implies, is the management of cloud computing products & services. Typically you’ll see this in reference to cloud-based apps such as G-Suite, Office 365 & so on.


This can mean managing public or private-based cloud …